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I work with a lot of neuro-spicy clients, and I kind of love that they’re attracted to working with me. Maybe it’s my personal spiciness, or the fact that as a healer and a teacher in the past, I found ways to connect with people of all types and all abilities. 

Or maybe it’s because I help them get. shit. done. Because I see them and understand them in ways that invite opening and change. 

Take Tom for example (names have been changed to protect the innocent!).

Tom came to me with a to-do list as long as his arm because of my reputation for helping people get and stay in flow as a CEO.

He had all these small tasks he’d been letting pile up that together equated to a massive pile of STUFF — and a hefty helping of shame.

We did a CEO Flow (my version of a VIP day), and together we accomplished a month’s worth of work in about 90 minutes.

No joke.

Sometimes, that’s all you need: a person to sit down and help you figure out what to do first, encourage you to do it, and then move on to the next item.

It’s like outsourcing your executive function for a little while. ;) 

This story is about getting a ton of shit done in a very short amount of time.

It’s also about the fact that not everybody works in the same way.

Not everybody can just tick things off a to-do list in logical order (or even wants to do that in the first place). Some people work better with someone helping them build momentum and keep moving forward.

And, because of my background as a healer, when I work with someone like this over the long term, I can help them get curious about their beliefs (and shame) around the breakdowns, and help put new processes and support systems in place to make life and work better.

It actually doesn’t matter what you bring to a CEO Flow call with me — a single project or idea that needs some intense attention, or a to-do list a mile long that you just need to power through.

Both are important. And getting to the other side where you can say, “Now this is done”?

That’s powerful.

What can I help you accomplish in a VIP day?

Let’s find out.  Click here to schedule a free, no obligation consultation call with me.