Fairy Godmothers versus Fairly Good Mama Bears

I wrote the other day on social media about wanting to address the root cause of how business owners wind up spending big money without “results”. If you missed it and want to join/observe the public conversation there, here’s a link to check it out.

The short version is: You probably have an example of a time where you invested money and felt like you didn’t get results. Without naming names, or laying blame, what do you think happened? (feel free to hit reply and LMK)

Might it be time to go with something other than simple “coaching” and to turn toward healing underlying behaviors and disrupting ingrained thought patterns and cultural conditioning so that you can make the impact you want to be making in this late-stage capitalist, whyte-body supremacist world? 

I genuinely want to know what’s happening for you around this. So, if you want to say more to me about it, please book a tea chat so we can talk further. This isn’t meant to be all doom and gloom! In fact, completely the opposite.

Hear me out:

I see so many of us CEOs of small companies deeply familiar with the symptoms of our breakdowns without giving time and attention to what generates the symptoms in the first place. I say, that if we dig a little deeper, we can uproot that completely and eliminate it.

Governing bodies and human resources offices aren’t going to make the kinds of changes that are necessary, those are tools of a broken and outdated system! People are (and will continue to be) out on these internet streets mistreating the S%&T out of each other (and themselves) and spending their hard earned coins on more and more distractions.  I’m on a mission to help people learn to confidently listen to their own guidance instead of looking outside themselves for answers.

You might ask yourself, why would I do that since essentially that would mean that my ideal client would outgrow our work together? And I’d answer: exactly! Let’s all max out on healing our ish so thoroughly that we transform this world simply by being in it with all the f^%ks we have to give! 

What I see happening lately is…

We get caught up in behavior patterns that keep us blind, sick, and broke. Many of us have constructed lives and businesses in which we are busy, busy, busy and still not getting where we want to be. Hanging out with me even an hour a month can help you begin to shift perspective, generate space, and find your flow no matter what your blocks to success are.

Are you distracted or lacking clarity? When we work together, not only will you have support in staying focused on what matters to you most of all but also, you’ll know how to reset in the future when things come up (because they always do!). 

Are you putting off important tasks or feeling purposeless? In any of my calls, you’ll learn to practice somatic awareness to create a grounded sense of guidance no matter the roadblocks you encounter along your way.

Are you reacting instead of responding and losing touch with yourself or others? With me, you’ll practice not only creating patterns that keep you efficient and clear but also how to realign when you (inevitably) veer off course.

I’m no fairy godmother, but I am a fairly good mama bear and I am fiercely committed to helping business owners find their flow, meet their goals, and change their lives. I’m doing some research about what patterns people see themselves falling into, do you have twenty minutes to chat about it? I’m working on something and it’s important for it to be actually relevant to people and their everyday blocks/issues and not just me spinning my own wheels about what I THINK people are experiencing. I’d love your input.


