Rave Reviews .

Rave Reviews .

“Katie has such a breadth of skills, knowledge, and capabilities. She is one of those people who can contribute across the board in a large number of areas.”
- Mary Kate Murray - Therapist

“Katie is so amazing at filtering things downconnecting dots and simplifying in a way that just feels like magic. “

“Katie gives you more than what you pay her in the sense that you're really creating a powerful relationship…when you hire her, you basically have a colleague and ally beyond the time that you do work with her.”

— Mary Morrison

How We Heal

“Healers don't heal you; healers create a space and a platform, and a container in which you can do the healing. And I think that's what Katie does for me.”

— Dr. Giavanni Washington

Black Goddess Within

“Katie has a whole toolbox and years of training in helping a person…access…parts of their own intelligence…in a way that is actually going to be useful.”

— Celeste Herron

Northern Crown Design

Katie is very skilled at hearing a mess of things, finding the through line, calming you down, making sense out of it so that it doesn't feel like a frenetic blur. It feels more like clarity on which things to move on.

— Jodi Hume

At The Core

Katie takes the time to be like, ‘What bigger picture does this business stand for?’ and, ‘How can we imbue that into everything that we're doing?’ She has this perspective to pull that meaning and the big picture into even those tiny little things that we do.

— Vern Fannin

Earth Art Magic

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“Katie has these magic fingers putting you back in alignment with who you truly are, and seeing things behind the veil.”

— Silja Thor

Behind the Scenes

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“Katie has helped me in the evolution of my thinking over the past year about what I can offer and how I can offer it.”

— Kris Kennedy


“ Katie is able to pick through all the things in your head and help you see…which ones have value and which ones you can just sort of put away.”

— Jodi Hume

At The Core

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“You need somebody that can tell you the truth with love, true love? Then she's the one.”

— Yanaëlle Ntwa

Brand Poetry

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“Something that is…not a thing that you…could…list out on a resume is how Katie presents. It's how she listens, what she listens for. “

— Celeste Herron

Northern Crown Design

“What she gives to her clients …her presence. And that is really valuable as a solopreneur.”

— Elysha Lenkin

Elysha Lenkin Style

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“Katie would…spot where I was at and get right to what I needed to think about or do next, which ripples out through the entire business.”

— Anna Bolton

Conversion Copy Co.

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