The entire online coaching industry is at a crossroads and our planet is at a tipping point. As a longtime program director and curriculum developer working for other coaches and advisors, I saw individual business owners spending tens of thousands of dollars a year for online coaches, courses, summits, retreats, and workshops, in the hope of achieving the six- or seven-figure business they were promised. These entrepreneurs are looking to someone else, something else, to fix their business. (Sound familiar? You’re NOT alone!)

Clients are making enormous investments and not seeing the results they need to thrive. They continually accumulate information and rely on others’ expertise to move their business forward, assign them tasks or measure their success. In these cases, the client leaves the experience with battered self-esteem and feelings of isolation and shame. As if that’s not enough, they still haven’t met their goals, made the things happen, or mapped out their desired next steps.

That's because today's business coaches are addressing the symptoms--not the cause--of why a business stagnates or flounders. The coaching industry is unregulated and running on a lot of hype. It has gotten to a point where I feel I would be dishonoring my training and skills, as well as my ancestors, if I didn't do something to change the client experience in this industry.

As a transformational flow coach to creative and spiritual entrepreneurs, I help business owners heal the underlying behavior patterns that keep you from achieving your idea of success. Mine is a bridge-burning style of healing that leaves you permanently changed for the better, a map-making style of healing to help you forge your way. When you enter a relationship with me, you are enfolded within a loving and confidential community where you'll re-learn to access your own talents and skills. I am your thought partner, guiding you to realize the power inside of you so you can find your way no matter what.

Working with me can help you calibrate your Success GPS so that you can find, and stay in the flow that works for you.


The Power of the Subtle Brag
