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If I had a dollar for every time I hear “I’m overwhelmed” in a day, I’d be a pretty rich lady!

Which is to say, It’s not just you (in case you were feeling that way)! Business owners, and especially business coaches, are up to their proverbial ears in To-Dos and most are unsure of how to decide what to do first, which things to keep/toss, or who to even listen to about how to make those hard choices on an ongoing basis. 

It happens to all of us, this sort of decision fatigue or choice paralysis. And it can be so embarrassing that we start to hide/procrastinate/ignore. (Sound familiar?)

I gotta tell ya, unpacking this whole “what you do when there are too many items on your task list” WILL take some conversation with and input from your loved ones, team members, and your business besties because we have blind spots about the uncomfortable things. Be brave. Ask those close to you if they know your tells for when you’ve exceeded your capacity.

Here are three ideas to help you move out of overwhelm and into overflow:

  1. LIST the things you’re doing on both home and work fronts. ALL the things. 

    1. That action alone can shed light on where you’re spending your time, attention, spoons, etc.

    2. Then assess and analyze where you’re leaky and where your energy and time are most effectively spent.

  2. NOTICE patterns across timelines/iterations.

    1. Where do you tend to drop balls/collapse/lose focus?

    2. Be as honest as you’re able to be about where the snags, hiccups, and breakdowns recur.

  3. ASK for the help you need.

    1. Y’all, this one thing by itself can change your friggin life: simply put out the request for what you need support with.

    2. Be willing to ask a few people if need be because someone will inevitably decline, and this isn’t a reason to stop asking completely, find another, keep at it till the need is met.


    1. Notice when overwhelm starts to happen and what you do in the presence of it.

    2. Ask where you can make small shifts. And then make them. One at a time.

Keep me posted about what unfolds for you with this stuff. Seriously, I want to know how you are and what you’re doing with your days.