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It seems like everybody in our society is looking for a quick fix. But in truth, deep change takes time.

You know this. I know this. But sometimes the siren song of the quick fix is just so dang alluring…

I was thinking about this recently because of an experience I had with a client. We’ll call her Allison.

Just under six years ago, we had a free tea chat that changed the course of Allison’s business (if I may toot my own horn here for a moment). I gave her some advice, and she’s literally built her business on it over the last five years.

She wasn’t ready to take our business relationship further than that at the time. There was life, and a kid, a band, and then a pandemic, and more life…

Until recently! A few months ago she emailed me and said, “I’m ready to work with you on a regular basis now.”

Allison joined my Flow Alignment Membership, in which she gets:

  • a hour each month 1:1 with me (VIP)

  • a weekly alignment call with the group

  • 24/7 access to our group Slack channel for inspiration and private chat

  • access to regular office hours that provide rich community and discussion

  • free attendance for any special event or class happening inside my community

Five years ago, that one conversation with Allison was a “quick fix,” like the tiny pebble that starts rolling down a snow-covered mountain. It took a while to get going. It took time to build momentum.

And because of it, today she has a thriving business and she’s ready to grow that snowball effect in her business and see exponential growth and results at a pace that works for her and her life.

That’s why I created this membership: because deep change and exponential growth take time — and I want to be with you for the long haul.

If you’re in a growth stage in your business and you’re craving:

  • Decision-making support from someone who knows your business, your perspective, and your bullshit

  • Idea validation from someone with decades of experience

  • Support optimizing your basics including your vision, systems, and pricing from someone who has supported teams as large as 40 people

  • Personalized support from a powerful healer, an effective teacher, and an experienced business badass that totally blows that free pdf or video course away

Then the Flow Alignment Membership might also be for you!

If you’re anything like the dozens of other business owners I’ve supported, you’ll see results right away — maybe even immediately.

And if you’re in it for the long haul with your business, I want to be in it for the long haul with you — and if you give me (and your business) that time and commitment, I can assure your exponential, avalanche success.

It all starts with that one little snowball.

And we can get started today.

Book a free consult and you could be joining our Flow Alignment call as early as next Wednesday!

The Flow Alignment Membership is an absolute STEAL of a price for the value you get. Truly. And I will be raising the price in the near future. No false scarcity or anxiety-inducing countdown timers; this is me practicing what I preach in terms of supportive business practices and pricing for my own business. I’m just saying, if you think you might want in on this goodness? Now is definitely the time. Founding members get to keep their rate for the length of their stay in the membership.

I’ve updated pricing and the program continues to be an excellent deal. There are VIP options, and PIF bonuses. Let’s chat and see if it’s a fit.