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My mentor says in a telegram message: “keep your back soft and open, and the back of your head soft and open. How open to receiving and being supported can you let yourself be? What does it feel like?”

Y’all, so many times a day I clench up and close off and flip into “figure this sh@$ out mode”, soon as I’m hunched over keyboard or phone, my heart is closed off, I literally kink the hose and deny myself what is there . Blessedly, I can just as easily lean back, unkink, and open up. As many times a day as I need to.

This isn’t something new, either. I’ve heard her say it dozens of times over the last ten years. It lands differently each time. I’m able to practice for a while and then I get distracted and forget for a while. Thankfully, I choose to put myself in her orbit often enough that I don’t go too long without being reminded of how useful it is to keep turning back to these simple things that keep me in my body and tapped into my resources. Working with Thea Elijah has brought nothing but peace and blessing into my life and my business.

Do you have a mentor you find yourself recommending to people you meet online? I’m so curious to know who the people are that my readers rely on.

Who mentors the mentor? ME! Let’s chat.